New Politics Leadership Academy welcomes Eva Estrada as Advisor

We’re thrilled to welcome Eva Estrada as our newest Advisor! Eva will advise servant leaders on how to approach continuing their service journey through politics  at the local and state levels.  

Most recently, Eva worked as a Legislative Analyst with City Legislative Affairs at the Mayor's Office of New York City. She worked hand in hand with several city agencies including NYC Census 2020 and Department of Veterans Services. Prior to that she held several political and field positions for campaigns at the state and local level in Massachusetts, New York and Virginia. This included her role as convention director and later Political Director for a gubernatorial and her role as Field Director for a NYC Council race. 

During 2016, she worked as part of the presidential field program for Hillary for America in South Carolina and Pennsylvania.

She is a graduate of Furman University where she studied political science and psychology. She is based in Washington D.C.

We’re so excited to have Eva on board, and to grow our advisory to train and support even more incredible servant leaders.


Why Politics? The most meaningful change starts locally


Serving and leading in an unprecedented time for our country