Why Politics? - A vision for a better future

by Raiyan Syed

As a child born in Bangladesh, I became aware at a young age that the political system there was corrupt and broken, and that people didn’t trust politicians. Civil society lacked the institutions needed to help foster a vibrant democracy, and the political dysfunction led to a general sense of hopelessness and apathy.

My family came to the United States as undocumented immigrants when I was 7, not knowing what to expect, but hoping that we would have a better future in the “land of opportunity.” My parents envisioned me becoming a doctor, so I started college intending to study biology and did two internships at Mount Sinai hospital in New York City. 

But at the same time, I was opening my eyes to the power of organizing. When I was 19, I took a job registering voters. I went door to door in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and heard stories of struggle unlike any I’d ever heard before. This opportunity also gave me a sense of hope as I realized that in the United States, individuals can make change happen. The change is often slow and incremental, but if good leaders are involved, progress can and does happen. Although people may be jaded with the current state of American politics, an organized effort can have a deep impact on improving the future, and that is something worth fighting for. 

I was grateful to find hope in American politics, but I also felt great responsibility. I knew that it takes work, and organization, to create systemic change. That’s why a couple of weeks after graduating college, I packed my bags and flew straight to Iowa to work for a presidential campaign. I saw the power that good leaders and organizers have, and I wanted to do my part in crafting the America that I hoped my future kids would inherit.

I’ve been fighting for that empowered vision for many years all across the country, from Waterloo, Iowa to Brooklyn, NY. There have been times when I’ve felt frustrated and cynical, but I’ve found my passion again working with candidates who have served our country, and who put people and country before self. My inspiration has been repeatedly restored by these amazing, values-driven leaders who continue to put service first in their dedication to making our country better. We simply need the organizing power and effort to get them into office. 

I’m in politics because my parents sacrificed for me to have a better life in America, and I want to fight for the same for my kids, Noah and Elias.


Our values & servant leadership - Empathy


Why Politics? - The power to make meaningful change