Thanks for taking the time to fill out this Alumni Testimonial! At New Politics, we believe our movement’s strongest asset lies within you, our community. So as we grow this movement over the coming months, we’re going to be telling the stories of the servant leaders who have spent time with us considering whether politics is right for them. We’d love to amplify your journey from service to politics.

If you don’t feel comfortable answering a question that we’ve posed, or do not have an answer, please feel free to skip it. We’re looking for 1 to 5 sentence answers for each question. Please feel free to make them as brief or as detailed as you’d like.

We’ll use most of these quotes for marketing purposes - like on Facebook and alumni newsletters - and we’ll store them in our Story Bank for future use. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to Shaquanda. By filling out the form below you are giving us permission to use your story to encourage others to consider politics as their next step in service, and to strengthen our movement nationwide.

Thank you for again taking the time to tell your story, for your service, and for encouraging others to join this movement to revitalize our democracy. We can think of no better way to bring more servant leaders into this community than by lifting the voices of those who have served before and are considering doing so again.

- New Politics Leadership Academy Team